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Book Review - The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry


Inspirational Speak Dr. David Cooperrider


The Drucker School - Drucker Experience - Volume 7




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Recently, I'm interested in AI learning & application. 

I do hope that some people could share with me regarding AI cases study.

If you have those successful or under-estimated cases, please share with us.



Welcome to the "AI Commons"--a worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry and the rapidly growing discipline of positive change. This site is a resource for you and many of us--leaders of change, scholars, students, and business managers--and it is proudly hosted by Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

In the years since the original theory and vision for "Appreciative Inquiry Into Organizational Life" was articulated by two professors at the Weatherhead School of Management (see David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva, 1987) there have been literally hundreds of people involved in co-creating new concepts and practices for doing AI, and for bringing the spirit and methodology of AI into organizations all over the world. Commenting on her assessment of AI's uniqueness, a senior executive at one company recently said: "I know what Ai is about...it is about creating a positive revolution in change". And in words that echo the same thing, University of Michigan Professor Robert Quinn, in his acclaimed book Change the World writes: " Appreciative Inquiry is currently revolutionizing the field of organizational development."



AI Consulting, LLC offers a collaborative, strength-based approach to strategic change and transformation. At the heart of our practice is Appreciative Inquiry (AI), an approach that draws on the strengths and values of an organization in order to implement its change agenda and achieve its highest goals. AI Consulting has the greatest concentration of AI expertise and our consultants span the globe. Among them are the thought leaders, authors, and founders of AI. Our whole-systems approach, global reach, and collaborative partnerships are reflected in our success stories.

AI Consulting combines features of a large consulting firm, a knowledge web, an alliance of change agents, and a socially responsible business entity. We are a principle-driven organization, valuing integrity, learning, generosity, and the common good. Our leading-edge design makes us highly flexible and responsive to client needs. We always seek to enhance the core strengths that “give life” to an organization while growing its economic vitality, ecological integrity and organizational health.



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在組織發展這個領域自三○年代以來,學術界及管理顧問界切入的角度均以DEFICIT(缺陷)觀點著手,去尋找組織當中哪裡有問題,什麼是弱點,著手去修正。出自PROBLEM SOLVING的心態也能獲致成功,在這個日趨競爭的時代,光是沒有問題也還不致卓越,要脫穎而出還需要更強的推進力。

八○年代正在寫博士論文的大衛‧庫柏里德(David Cooperrider)到克里夫蘭醫學中心研究組織發展,選擇如何改善組織效能作為論文主題。在訪談過程當中,他發現組織本身真是一個奇蹟,組織中的人事物有這麼多正面的力量值得研究,因而改變了論文主題,而他的研究本身正面地影響了被研究訪談的團隊,也大幅促進了被研究的這個中心的績效,並引起該診所董事會的高度重視並請大衛持續對該中心進行這樣的團隊工作,肯定式探詢方法由此而生。


所謂的肯定式探詢的方法就是一套行動研究(Action Research)的基礎引導者會藉由介紹這一種方法,透過各種研究流程的安排,啟動整個組織去研究驅動它前進的正向核心,也就是回答這個問題:「賦予我們組織生命力的是什麼?(What gives life to our company?)」然後蒐集所有的正向形象用以打造可行的正向未來。







Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an organizational development process or philosophy that engages individuals within an organizational system in its renewal, change and focused performance.

Appreciative Inquiry was adopted from work done by earlier action research theorists and practitioners and further developed by David Cooperrider of Case Western Reserve University. It is now a commonly accepted practice in the evaluation of organizational development strategy and implementation of organizational effectiveness tactics.

Appreciative Inquiry is a particular way of asking questions and envisioning the future that fosters positive relationships and builds on the basic goodness in a person, a situation, or an organization. In so doing, it enhances a system's capacity for collaboration and change.[1] Appreciative Inquiry utilizes a cycle of 4 processes focusing on:

  1. DISCOVER: The identification of organizational processes that work well.
  2. DREAM: The envisioning of processes that would work well in the future.
  3. DESIGN: Planning and prioritizing processes that would work well.
  4. DESTINY (or DELIVER): The implementation (execution) of the proposed design.[2] [3]

The basic idea is to build organizations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn't. It is the opposite of problem solving. Instead of focusing gaps and inadequacies to find blame and remediate skills or practices, AI focuses on how to create more of the occasional exceptional performance that is occurring because a core of strengths is aligned. The approach acknowledges the contribution of individuals, in order to increase trust and organizational alignment. The method aims to create meaning by drawing from stories of concrete successes and lends itself to cross-industrial social activities. It can be enjoyable and natural to many managers, who are often sociable people.

There are a variety of approaches to implementing Appreciative Inquiry, including mass-mobilized interviews and a large, diverse gathering called an Appreciative Inquiry Summit (Ludema, Whitney, Mohr and Griffin, 2003). Both approaches involve bringing very large, diverse groups of people together to study and build upon the best in an organization or community.

The basic philosophy of AI is also found in other positively oriented approaches to individual change as well as organizational change. As noted above, " AI ...fosters positive relationships and builds on the basic goodness in a person, or a situation ...." The idea of building on strength, rather than just focusing on faults and weakness is a powerful idea in use in mentoring programs, and excellent performance evaluations. It is the basic idea behind teaching "micro-affirmations" as well as teaching about micro-inequities. (See Microinequity Rowe Micro-Affirmations and Micro-inequities in the Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, Volume 1, Number 1, March 2008.)

AI has been used extensively to foster change in businesses (a variety of sectors), health care systems, social profit organizations, educational institutions, communities, local governments, and religious institutions.




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