目前分類:計劃 (11)

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2012 年度計劃 - Zoe - 一生的計劃


2.金合會 - ACT & 企業教練




4.ICFT - 點睛會 - Business Model

5.Sales Coaching & Service Coaching

6.Training Program - Coaching, Service and Etiquette

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Workshop 與傳統的演講不同,它強調學員的「實作」與「互動」。所以學員不是來聽課拿講義,



Workshop結束後,每位學員學到的東西不同。 Workshop結束後,每位學員接下來要行動。 



























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讀 韓第 的 "你拿什麼定義自己?" 讓我想要要認識他的夫人Elizabeth Handy (Portrait Photographer)


從 Google 中找到好多資料, 待往後再好好研究!

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I went there on purpose. One of my good friends invited me to join that activity.
Mr. Chu inspired me to refresh my happy dream to come true.

I learned a lot from him! I'll find the time to recall & write it down. 

朱老師的網頁值得您經常 surfing!


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我的選擇是, 昨天在漢神百貨地下1樓金礦咖啡外場露天頂著微風的夕陽拍下的一張照片。


過去 ==> 1件3年前在新加坡購買裝競賽贏得 Sony 相機的藍色絲絨袋

現在 ==> 1罐當下於高雄漢神百貨暢飲日本進口 Sangaria Blend Cafe Aulait

未來 ==> 4張即將回台北聽雨軒製作活動看版的圓形藍點比A4大一點的包裝玻璃紙

1本融合過去、現在、未來的好書==> 組織大師 韓第 的生命故事 你拿什麼定義自己

過去 ==> Handy 寫的這本書

現在 ==> Zoe 正在閱讀的這本書

未來 ==> 文足 即將展開新的生命旅程參閱的啟發書



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如果一生的計劃裡, 旅行是觀看世界的方式; 
我相信國際工作營, 可以幫助我們用心看世界!
發現自己想的多, 常把工作當是生活中的唯一,


前進國際工作營 Note!





在這裡僅提供簡單的生活需求,睡在地板、三餐簡單、或簡單的生活設施都是國際工作營的特色,如果妳期待有五星級的設備,生活設施如台灣一樣方便,那就想太多囉!但不管如何,國際工作營一定會讓妳有家(或說狗窩)的感覺、簡單但乾淨的生活環境、簡單但豐富可以溫飽的家常地方料理(妳也可說是 Home made的美食),以及豐富的文化交流體驗、英語學習環境(要是你對自己英語沒信心,但只要妳認為夠妳生存的話,那就大膽來挑戰吧!英語不是重點,最重要的是,願意嚐試和大家溝通的態度與一個開放的心),以及深入不同國家體驗社區文化的機會,在這裡一定可以讓妳看到不一樣的世界。

參與國際工作營在 VYA為你媒合到合適的海外志工機會後,你必須自己準備所有的行前工作,包含訂機票、辦理簽證與保險,以及準備隨行衣物,最後並自己出發到服務的國家與地點。

那 VYA在這一過程做什麼呢?VYA在這一過程會:

(1)  協助你聯繫及確認國際服務的國家與參與的志工計畫;

(2)  提供你出國準備相關諮詢諸如注意事項、應如何準備、隨身衣物建議;

(3)  提供參與計畫最重要的 Information sheets,通常都是計畫開始一個月前提供,內容包括:







配合個人行事曆 , 選擇想參加工作營的時間 ,工作營期間從一個禮拜到三個禮拜長短不等,依照自己的時間計畫選出能全程參加的行程 。一般申請後約需要三到七個工作天為妳確認合適的組織,部分國家甚至需要一個月以上的時間才能確認。另外,很多熱門的國家如日本計畫很快就會額滿,加上為了確保文化多元性,同一國家一般僅接受一到二位志工,名額有限,故有興趣參與國際工作營應盡早申請唷!


國際工作營有六大議題方案 ,考量自己的狀況和興趣選擇適合的方案是重要的喔!對計畫的議題感興趣是很重要的部分,如果妳硬要參與一個沒興趣的活動,那可是會很痛苦的唷。


亞洲、 歐洲 、 非洲 、 美洲…全世界 90幾個國家任你行,第一次出國的人可以選擇日本、較多台灣人居住,或是有親戚可以順便拜訪的地方,想要挑戰自己的申請者,冰島 、 烏干達、蒙古、印度 ....更多特別的國家等你去體驗!

選好 3-5個方案後就完成申請表向願景報名吧!




機票通常是越早訂越可能有折扣的 ,可以洽詢熟識的旅行社或是直接向航空公司訂位,拿到訂位編號後找旅行社開票,如果離出發時間還有很久的話,你就有時間好好比價囉!


足跡: http://www.zuji.com.tw

玉山票務: http://www.ysticket.com

可樂旅遊: http://www.colatour.com.tw

易飛網: http://www.ezfly.com.tw

易遊網: http://www.eztravel.com.tw


進入工作營當地國的簽證一定盡早辦理 ,確定了計畫國後,以網路或電話方式得到辦理簽證的資訊,每一個國家要求的資料可能都不同,有的要求財力證明,有的需要行程表,更有些國家是要具備當地邀請函證明等物件的,而美國的簽證可能會要求面試的程序 。



外交部網站: http://www.boca.gov.tw


(1)駐外使館聯絡人 及電話


準備國際電話卡或是攜帶手機(從國外傳簡訊回台灣並不會很昂貴),要注意的是日本和韓國所使用的電信系統與台灣不同, GSM手機是沒辦法使用的唷!而網路在一些國家並不是很方便使用,這些資訊都是參加志工要自己先做好功課的 。


依照個人需要向旅行社購買各國國鐵聯票,辦理國際學生證或青年旅館卡。台灣青年之家協會: http://www.yh.org.tw


瞭解這個國家的歷史,地理,政經狀況讓你更容易融入當地文化 。還有時間的話 也可學幾句當地國的語言,基本上國際工作營的官方語言是英文,因為伙伴可能來自世界各地,但是學習幾句當地國的基本打招呼語可讓你更有機會接觸當地居民,拉近彼此之間的關係 。

自助旅行討論推薦網站:背包客論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw


在國外有很多事情是不可預期的,我們建議國際工作營的參與志工一定要為自己保一份意外險,其他像是醫療險等(國外看醫生非常昂貴且不便),也可考慮加保 。


準備一份簡短介紹台灣的資料 ,和世界各國青年同聚一堂是我們進行國民外交的最好時機,帶點台灣味的零嘴和小小紀念品,讓他們永遠記得台灣濃濃的人情味 。







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2008年HR 安排了一堂創意課程由奇岩智略發展中心負責人蔡宇振先生擔任 Facilitator!

手機裡還有我的作品呢! 可惜, 還不知道如果把手機轉檔出來!


A powerful tool designed to enhance innovation and business performance

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is an innovative, experiential process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research that shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue - for everyone in the organization.


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這是 Mia 老師介紹什麼是您最好的學習模式, 透過問問題觀察眼睛旋轉的方式,



To be more effective, determine your best learning styles.

Know Thyself. 

I hear and I forget. 
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.             ~~Old Chinese Proverb ~~

People learn differently. Some prefer using pictures.
Others like working in groups. How do you learn best?
Here are the three major factors making up your learning style.

The three senses - auditory, visual and kinesthetics

The two reasoning types - deductive and inductive

The two environments - intrapersonal and interpersonal

Check these factors as they apply to different subjects to discover your learning preferences.

The Three Senses 

Auditory - listening

( ) - I prefer to follow verbal instructions rather than written ones. 

( ) - I find it comfortable to add spoken numbers mentally.

Visual - seeing, reading and visualizing

( ) - I score high on tests that depend on reading comprehension. 

( ) - I can read formulas and understand them. 

( ) - I prefer maps to verbal directions when I am trying to find a place.

Kinesthetics - moving, touching, writing and doing.

( ) - When I write things down, it clarifies my thoughts. 

( ) - I have to manipulate formulas in order to understand them. 

( ) - I like to draw pictures. 

( ) - I am good at using my hands. I enjoy lab classes.

The Two Reasoning Types 

Deductive reasoning

( ) - I like to look at the big picture first, then get the details. 

( ) - When learning a new game, I like to know all the rules before playing. 

( ) - In an argument, I state my premises first, then draw conclusions.

Inductive reasoning

( ) - I like to see some examples when first learning a new subject, before developing an overview. 

( ) - I prefer to learn the rules of a new game "as we go along".

The Two Learning Environments 

Intrapersonal - working alone.

( ) - When solving word problems, I have to figure it out for myself. 

( ) - Doing school work with a group often wastes a lot of time.

Interpersonal - working with others.

( ) - Before making a decision, I usually discuss it with my family or friends. 

( ) - I like to do my homework with others.

What Are You Best At? 

Ideally, we are good with each learning style. However, what we do best can depend on our mood, the subject matter, our friends and the teacher. Our goal is to monitor our learning effectiveness and to adjust our learning styles for maximum advantage.

Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student


How to Be a Successful Student

Good News! Even small improvements in study skills pays big dividends. Success in any field creates a positive feedback loop that increases motivation and performance, which encourages more success. 

This 48-page study skills booklet provides a complete summary of the tools, tips and techniques necessary for becoming an efficient and successful student. 

Five pages from the book are included online below. These pages are copyrighted. However, they may be downloaded and used by individual students or downloaded, copied and tested by teachers as shareware. For more information about using these pages or the book, emailbook123@marintrails.com without putting in the 123 (to limit web trawlers from collecting this email address and sending spam) 

Table of Contents

Note: Teachers who are interested in the book, should check New Information for Teachers.
1 What are your Goals?
2 The Power of Positive Thinking 
3 Learning How to Learn
4 Your Rights and Responsibilities
5 How to Manage Time and Set Priorities

6 How to Use Questions
7 How to Improve Reading Comprehension
8 How to Study Effectively
9 How to Improve your Memory
10 How to Organize Information

11 How to Get the Most from Lectures
12 How to Take Notes in Class
13 How to Identify your Best Learning Styles
14 How to Read Textbooks
15 The Importance of Using Scratch Paper

16 How to Save Time and Take Shortcuts
17 How to Succeed in Math
18 How to Prepare For and Take Examinations
19 How to Solve Word Problems
20 How to Sharpen your Critical Thinking Skills

21 How to Improve Creative Thinking
22 How to be an Effective Writer
23 How to Use the 7 Sides of your Brain
24 How to Improve Visualization
25 How to Set up a Study Group

26 Good Health
27 How to Relax
28 The 7 Biggest Mistakes Students Make
29 How to Make Effective Use of Tutoring
30 Can Learning be Accelerated?

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Increase Your Loyal Customers to Increase Your Sales
Mark Hunter, for About.com

In the retail industry, it seems as though we are constantly faced with the issue of trying to find new customers. Most of us are obsessed with making sure our advertising, displays, and pricing all “scream out” to attract new customers. This focus on pursuing new customers is certainly prudent and necessary, but, at the same time, it can wind up hurting us. Therefore, our focus really should be on the 20 percent of our clients who currently are our best customers.

In retail, this idea of focusing on the best current customers should be seen as an on-going opportunity. To better understand the rationale behind this theory and to face the challenge of building customer loyalty, we need to break down shoppers into five main types:

  • Loyal Customers: They represent no more than 20 percent of our customer base, but make up more than 50 percent of our sales.
  • Discount Customers: They shop our stores frequently, but make their decisions based on the size of our markdowns.
  • Impulse Customers: They do not have buying a particular item at the top of their “To Do” list, but come into the store on a whim. They will purchase what seems good at the time.
  • Need-Based Customers: They have a specific intention to buy a particular type of item.
  • Wandering Customers: They have no specific need or desire in mind when they come into the store. Rather, they want a sense of experience and/or community.

If we are serious about growing our business, we need to focus our effort on the loyal customers, and merchandise our store to leverage the impulse shoppers. The other three types of customers do represent a segment of our business, but they can also cause us to misdirect our resources if we put too much emphasis on them.

Let me further explain the five types of customers and elaborate on what we should be doing with them.

Loyal Customers

Naturally, we need to be communicating with these customers on a regular basis by telephone, mail, email, etc. These people are the ones who can and should influence our buying and merchandising decisions. Nothing will make a Loyal Customer feel better than soliciting their input and showing them how much you value it. In my mind, you can never do enough for them. Many times, the more you do for them, the more they will recommend you to others.

Discount Customers

This category helps ensure your inventory is turning over and, as a result, it is a key contributor to cash flow. This same group, however, can often wind up costing you money because they are more inclined to return product.

Impulse Customers

Clearly, this is the segment of our clientele that we all like to serve. There is nothing more exciting than assisting an Impulse shopper and having them respond favorably to our recommendations. We want to target our displays towards this group because they will provide us with a significant amount of customer insight and knowledge.

Need-Based Customers

People in this category are driven by a specific need. When they enter the store, they will look to see if they can have that need filled quickly. If not, they will leave right away. They buy for a variety of reasons such as a specific occasion, a specific need, or an absolute price point. As difficult as it can be to satisfy these people, they can also become Loyal Customers if they are well taken care of. Salespeople may not find them to be a lot of fun to serve, but, in the end, they can often represent your greatest source of long-term growth.

It is important to remember that Need-Based Customers can easily be lost to Internet sales or a different retailer. To overcome this threat, positive personal interaction is required, usually from one of your top salespeople. If they are treated to a level of service not available from the Web or another retail location, there is a very strong chance of making them Loyal Customers. For this reason, Need-Based Customers offer the greatest long-term potential, surpassing even the Impulse segment.

Wandering Customers

For many stores, this is the largest segment in terms of traffic, while, at the same time, they make up the smallest percentage of sales. There is not a whole lot you can do about this group because the number of Wanderers you have is driven more by your store location than anything else.

Keep in mind, however, that although they may not represent a large percentage of your immediate sales, they are a real voice for you in the community. Many Wanderers shop merely for the interaction and experience it provides them. Shopping is no different to them than it is for another person to go to the gym on a regular basis. Since they are merely looking for interaction, they are also very likely to communicate to others the experience they had in the store. Therefore, although Wandering Customers cannot be ignored, the time spent with them needs to be minimized.

Retail is an art, backed up by science. The science is the information we have from financials to research data (the "backroom stuff"). The art is in how we operate on the floor: our merchandising, our people, and, ultimately, our customers. For all of us, the competitive pressure has never been greater and it is only going to become more difficult. To be successful, it will require patience and understanding in knowing our customers and the behavior patterns that drive their decision-making process.

Using this understanding to help turn Discount, Impulse, Need-Based, and even Wandering Customers into Loyal ones will help grow our business. At the same time, ensuring that our Loyal Customers have a positive experience each time they enter our store will only serve to increase our bottom-line profits.

Mark Hunter, "The Sales Hunter", is a sales expert who speaks to thousands each year on how to increase their sales profitability. For more information or to receive a free weekly sales tip via email, contact “The Sales Hunter” athttp://www.TheSalesHunter.com.

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很多事, 過去來不及參與; 但是現在可以開始安排!




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  • 是麻省理工學院教材的網路版。
  • 不需要任何註冊。
  • 並非是給予學位或是證照的網站。
  • 並不提供麻省理工學院入學申請。

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這一天, 是為了你! 

我們無法掌控別人如何對待自己, 但郤能選擇怎樣回應!

這是讀完這本書後, 內心深刻的感受與期待的行動!


1. 先讀"拿什麼定義自己"

2. 再讀"做最好的自己"


1. 問得好! 依著書中的問題來提醒自己, 問自己, 走出行動的一年




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