Going through school to get an MBA can take a few years away from your life and work. These days you don’t always have time to take a few years and be a student. You’ve got bills to pay! This list of 100 business blogs can bring you up to speed in the briefcase world so you can take a detour around the MBA education route.
Small Business and Entrepreneur Blogs and Resources
1. Solo Entrepreneur - This site of testimonials and wisdom might be all the push you need to become a solo entrepreneur.
2. Small Biz Survival - If you’re a small town/rural business in these economic times, it can be tough to make it from day to day. With these marketing and financial, make your money woes a thing of the past.
3. The Portal of American Small Business - This site should be bookmarked by small business owners ASAP, as it offers news, reviews, and perspectives that can start saving you money today.
4. Entrepreneurs - This site helps your own business climb the Fortune 500, and helps you stay motivated while you’re clutching the ladder.
5. The Blog of Tim Ferriss - This blog blends practical entrepreneurial advice with the perspective necessary to help keep your head above the water.
6. Small Business Trends - This sight takes the accumulated tips and tricks from submitted small business trends and offers it as big advice for littler companies.
7. Small Business Brief - If you want small business news in bite-sized chunks, this is it. Quickly play catch-up with the latest online business advice, and read user reviews for just how helpful the advice really is.
8. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur - If you want bootstrapping advice, this is the right place. This fellow created a multi-million dollar tech industry (while sleeping in conference rooms to avoid hotel charges), and after selling that, went on to create a company that found itself in the Fortune 500.
9. Entrepreneur Daily Dose - This site is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs, offering advice on sustainability, loan eligibility, and consumer confidence.
10. Successful Entrepreneurial Blog - Another site of practical advice, this site offers advice on credit reform, social networking, and even how swine flu is not so bad for business.
11. Independent Street - This Wall Street Journal blog offers thoughts on small and big business alike, as well as how the government’s financial decisions will affect you.
12. Main Street: Small Business - This small business site offers tips on balancing career, family, and retirement plans.
13. Small Business Blog from Microsoft - Corporate titan Microsoft descends from the throne to offer great advice to small businesses.
14. Small Business CEO - Like the name says, this site offers advice for small business CEOs, such as how to boost online marketing, helpful podcasts, and the benefits of incentives versus larger salaries.
15. The Solopreneur’s Million-Dollar Mindset - This business coach offers in-depth updates on making your business vision a reality.
16. Start-up Toolkit -If you’ve been wanting a one-stop shop for everything you need to start up a business, look no further.
17. The Entrepreneurial Mind - This Belmont University site offers reviews of tech, thoughts on venture capital, and new age marketing.
18. Wil Schroter’s Bigger Blog - This site helps you start a company, keep it running, and adapt to the ever-changing future market.
Marketing Blogs and Solutions
19. The Marketing Spot - If you’re a small business that needs big marketing ideas, The Marketing Spot has got you covered.
20. Duct Tape Marketing - Ancient wisdom holds that duct tape is like The Force: it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together. This site offers the articles, interviews, and resources to hold your business together in the 21st century.
21. Dave Duarte’s Blog - This self-proclaimed “marketing geek” offers practical tips, such as utilizing a corporate social network and avoiding your own business biases.
22. Marketing and Strategy Innovation Blog - This site offers advice on how to bring new marketing and strategy innovations to your site, with a dash of social branding and motivational advice sprinkled in.
23. 5 Blogs Before Lunch - This site offers every aspect of marketing news, with updates that range from the informative to the downright entertaining.
24. Marketing Pilgrim - The focus of this site is on online business, as it offers the latest news on Facebook, Flickr, and AOL.
25. Perry Marshall’s Blog - This amusing site starts off by suggesting that Thoreau’s business advice was given in the haze of crack cocaine, and the biting humor continues from there. This site offers dozens of controversial tips on how to get ahead in the business world.
26. How to Change the World - Offering itself as “a practical blog for impractical people,” this site helps you master the art of salesmanship.
27. Church of the Customer Blog - This site offers business perspectives from the customer’s side, and offers tips for how to avoid heresy in the church of the customer.
28. Marketing Genius From Maple Creative - This site is all about marketing, from building a buzz to pushing a brand to crafting an awesome ad.
29. Be Excellent - If you’re business needs to experience a revolution, it starts here, with in-depth advice about strategy execution.
30. The Engaging Brand Blog - This is the site to bookmark for info about building your brand from the ground up.
31. Name Wire - Another branding-type site, this page focuses on the theories and practices behind product naming.
32. Biz Stone - The cofounder of Twitter offers unique perspectives on the worlds of business and social networking.
33. Smart Talk On Conversation - This site is all about how communication can help your business, from word of mouth marketing to interactive dialogue and social networks.
General Business Blogs
34. Dane Carlson’s Business Opportunities Weblog - This blog focuses on the tips, tricks, and tools you need to get your business running, and the mistakes to avoid so it can keep on going.
35. All Business - This blog offers its own business-friendly advice (such as how to make sure the tax man doesn’t come for you), as well as featuring expert advice from dozens of other businessmen and women.
36. Seth Godin’s Blog - This bitterly funny blog offers business advice framed in cold, hard reality.
37. The Franchise King Blog - This blog offers frank, down-to-earth advice from the franchise frontlines.
38. Business 360 - This CNN blog offers business news that’s intimately tied to real-world developments.
39. The Becker-Posner Blog - Here’s some new-school advice from some old-school businessmen, offering in-depth commentary on every aspect of our economy.
40. Working Life - This opinionated site is chock-full of views on the auto industry, American labor, and the global business world.
41. The Business of America is Business - This site focuses on in-depth analysis of the quirkier aspects of business, such as the leadership tips to be garnered from Ugly Betty and Ocean’s 11.
42. Business Pundit - This easy-to-read site offers info on software industries, finance, and outright weird jobs.
43. Blog Business World - This great resource for business people offers business book reviews, podcasts, and much more.
44. Influxinsights - This site specializes in unique views of business, offering you tips culled from the worlds of art, social networking, and luxury trends.
45. The Curious Capitalist - Offering thoughts on the modern market and economy, this Time Magazine blog brings you clean, concise business news.
46. Tom Peters’ Blog - This humorous site offers over 160 ways to succeed in the world of business and marketing.
47. Cali and Jody’s Blog - This site offers perspectives for CEOs, workers, and parents alike.
Human Resources and Ethics Blogs
48. HR Bartender - This humorous and relatable site offers wit and wisdom for the world of human resources.
49. Lauren Bloom’s Blog - This ethics-centric blog offers practical advice navigating business woes and coming out smelling like roses.
50. The Exceptional Workplace - If you’d like enthusiastic coworkers instead of drones living for the weekend, check out these awesome tips for making your workplace…well, exceptional.
51. Principled Profit - A site promoting “good business,” this page helps you with social networking, social media, and PR lessons.
MBA Survival Guides and Business Career Blogs
52. The Personal MBA - If you’re a business learner wanting to become a business master, this site will provide the training you need.
53. Boot Strap Me - If your business needs to pull itself up by the bootstraps, this site provides all the advice and resources you could ask for.
54. The Hire Sense - This site’s primary goal is helping you to survive in this economy, with tips on what sells in a recession, how to deal with customers, and how to parse job statistics.
55. First Jobs and Career Opportunities Blog - This site waxes philosophic on the job market, offering interview tips, promising jobs, and whether or not following your passion is always the best course in life.
56. Main Street: Career - If you need career advice—from who’s hiring, who’s firing, and how you can secure your future today.
57. MBA Depot - Offering resources for MBAs and managers alike, this site offers books, quotes, articles, and more to help you succeed in the world of business.
Economy Trends and News
58. Gulliver - This business site with a conservative focus examines the business industry on all levels, with a particular focus on Government’s role in that business.
59. Freakonomics - This NY Times offshoot offers business predictions, advice, and—of course—opinions.
60. Financial Times: Alphaville - Another site great for business folks on the go, these pint-sized updates on the entirety of the financial world can be read easily over breakfast.
61. The Bing Blog - This site’s goal is keeping the economic recession in perspective. It’s tough to freak out about a low-performing stock market when it’s next to the black plague.
Investing News and Financial Blogs
62. Steadfast Finances - This informative site offers everything from a historical look car industry woes to meta concepts such as “the fear trade.”
63. The Market Movers - This site offers its updates in condensed sections, allowing you to digest as much or as little of its business wisdom as you wish to.
64. Calculated Risk - Finance and economics advice to help you not only survive but thrive during the turbulence of this global economy.
65. Blogging Stocks - This stock-centric site isn’t afraid of offering its two cents into the world of current events.
66. Stress Free Tax Help - If you want to make more money and pay less taxes…join the club. Seriously, though, this site aims to help you do just that.
Resources for Business Women
67. Learned On Women - This feminist-friendly site offers women-centric advice for navigating the often-testosterone-layered world of business.
68. Sylvania Ann Hewlett’s Blog - This blog also offers global business tips, with a focus on women and minorities in the workplace.
69. Girl Power: Female CEOS - This site offers tips and tricks for smashing through the glass ceiling, offering thoughts on the best way for women to excel in the business world.
70. Women’s Leadership Exchange - This site offers events and resources in order to promote, build, and develop women’s leadership in the world of business.
71. WonderBranding - Another girl-power site, this focuses entirely on marketing to women.
Online Business Blogs and Tools
72. SEO Book - Offering wisdom for the ages through wisdom from the ages comes a site offering what to do (and more importantly, what not to do) with your business.
73. Practical Ecommerce - Designed for online merchants, this site will help you market, profit, and maybe have a little fun while you’re doing it.
74. SEOmozBlog - This site offers all of the SEO web resources you could ever need, and should be bookmarked ASAP.
75. The Internet Strategist - This 12-year veteran of internet marketing offers tips and tricks for online marketing and services.
76. Internet Business Coaching by Terry Dean - Those in the internet business world could learn a thing or two (or three or four) from this amazingly thorough site.
77. Net Promoter - This site of bite-sized updates offers ways of promoting yourself and your business over the internet.
78. Daily Blog - This blog offers a more personal touch, with the tips, tricks, and tweets that have helped the blogger be successful in business.
Management Resources and Information
79. Incentive Intelligence - This site has a singular focus: to provide you all of the theories, testimonies, and tricks for using incentives as a motivation for workers.
80. The Practice of Leadership - This site has everything you need to build communication skills, navigate backfiring goals, and communicate your vision to your workers.
81. Management IQ - This site is all about the managers, offering ways of reducing stress, locking down job security, and becoming the future CEO.
82. Journyx Project Management Blog - This IT-centric site offers project management tips, ways of dealing with difficult fellow workers, and beliefs that can doom IT leaders.
83. - If you’re a business manager or leader, you can’t miss this site, with its wealth of business theories, easy tips, and lists for maximizing your own communications with workers.
84. - Through contests, tips and tricks, and branding secrets, this site gives you the drive to be a better leader.
85. Management Issues - If you’re a manager, you’re the heart of your office. This site offers tips and tricks for keeping the body and the heart alive into the 21st century economy.
86. The Outsourcing Weblog - Like the name says, this site offers everything you need to know about outsourcing…from finding good outsource workers gentle ways to leave your outsourcers.
87. CEO Blog - This site focuses on time management and directness, and how each one helps your business grow.
88. Leading Blog - This site’s all about business leadership, offering books, habits, and creative games to lead your team to success.
89. Management Craft - If your business management technique needs state of the art theories and practices, you’ve come to the right place.
90. Leading Answers - This picture-heavy site offers views on business leadership that range from humorous to practical to downright bizarre.
91. Ask the Czar - This leadership-centric site offers ways of using love, inspiration, and excitement to motivate your workforce.
92. Web Worker Daily - Aiming to “reboot the workforce,” this site offers software and hardware to make web working easier.
Harvard Business Heavy Hitters
93. Daisy Wademan Dowling’s Blog - This blogger specializes in career coaching advice, including leadership and planning.
94. Anthony Tjan’s Blog - If you need help building a business—particularly an online business—this site’s got everything you could ask for.
95. Gill Corkindale’s Blog - This Harvard Publishing blog offers unique insight to the world of global management and leadership.
96. Peter Bregman’s Blog - This blog offers global management advice for CEOS and their leadership teams.
97. Management Essentials - These articles were collected from the Harvard Management Update, and offer down-to-earth advice for managers and execs.
98. John Baldoni - This blog should be your go-to for advice regarding leadership consultation and coaching.
99. Babak Nivi’s Blog - If you need advice on anything venture capital, this blog will have everything you need.
100. John Quelch’s Blog - This world-traveling blogger offers world-class advice on global marketing, branding, and marketing communications.
After bookmarking all of these business blogs and sites, kiss all those MBA school applications good bye and start climbing workplace ladders.
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