Leadership 領導者
. 你會問問題嗎? (Leading with Questions)
. 會問問題才會帶人 (78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer)
. 問得好 (Change Your Questions, Change Your Life)
. 跳過問題找方法 (The Solution Focus)
. 去做就是了 (The Answer to How is YES)
Facilitator 引導者
. 學. 問. (The Art of focused conversation)
. 世界咖啡館 (The World Cafe)
. 體驗教育理論與實務 (郭託有等合著)
心理諮商- 焦點解決
. Office 心靈教練 (Brief Coaching for Lasting Solutions)
Sales&Marketing 行銷
. 問對問題, 錢就流進來 (Question that sell)
. 這麼問,客戶真難拒絕你 (Secrets of Question Based Selling)