I'm interested in this program. If you are the graduate, please contact me! Thanks!

The success of many of the world's most distinguished leaders stands as proof of the extraordinary impact of the MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation and Global Leadership. For three quarters of a century, mid-career executives of exceptional promise have entered this powerful one-year MBA program to build knowledge, networks, global understanding, and their own personal leadership paradigms.

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1. 重覆問題 ==> 以明確問題內容
2. 開放問題 ==> 讓客戶多說一點, 有助蒐集資訊
3. 澄清問題 ==> 幫助客戶多一點認清問題之所在
3.1 你以前在學習中.....; 我最好的學習方式
3.2 你現在也是這樣嗎?
3.3 目前這樣做足够嗎? ==> 澄清學習的目標! 找到真正的問題!
PS. 解決焦慮
4. Wrap-up
這幾分鐘交談, 你可以分享一下嗎?

==> 可參考 

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2. 【我們歡迎】 詩集:約書亞03-觸摸到你,11


3. 【向主唱新歌】詩集:新歌頌揚,381



4. 【彈琴歌唱讚美祢】

我要彈琴歌唱稱頌祢名 因為祢大作為真奇妙
全地啊!當揚聲述說祢的榮耀 全心來讚美祢
擊鼓跳舞 彈各樣樂器 來拍掌 穹蒼起唱和
見證榮耀大君王已降臨 宣告主已得勝

喔!哈利路亞 哈利路讚美主!
哈利路亞 哈利路讚美主!
哈利路亞 主我稱頌祢! 哈利路亞 祢已得勝!

5. 【隠藏的珍寶】


6. 【別無他名】詩集:和撒那新歌,44






8. 【耶穌耶穌】

詩集:讚美之泉 10 - 單單只為你,12 歌詞由 Louise & James 提供,謹此致謝!



9. 【這一生最美的祝福】詩集:讚美之泉 08 - 讓愛走動,34



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●主動型(active) / 反思型(reflective)

  • 主動型(active):喜歡親身體會、與他人一同合作的主動學習方式,對於新的資訊會利用方法去討論、解釋、測試它。
  • 反思型(reflective):習慣於透過徹底的思考、單獨工作的學習方式,對於新的資訊會去反思調查、運用它。
●感覺型(sensing) / 直覺型(intuitive)
  • 感覺型(sensing):擅長記憶、對細微事物有耐心,不喜與現實無關的課程;學習者是藉由感官的途徑來察覺,並經過感覺來收集資料,例如:觀察
  • 直覺型(intuitive):較長於掌握新概念,更能理解抽象的公式;不喜歡需要記憶和常規計算的課程;學習者則是在自己本身無特別意識的情況下,來發覺、觀察其可能性,是由間接的去感覺,例如:推測、預感、想像。
●視覺型(visual) / 口語型(verbal)
  • 視覺型(visual):長於記住所看見的事物,學習上最適合的記憶方式是透過圖畫、圖表、曲線圖、實地的示範。
  • 口語型(verbal):長於記住所聽到的事物,較喜歡書寫或口語述說的學習方式。
●循序型(sequential) / 總體型(global)
  • 循序型(sequential):傾向以按部就班方式找答案,以線性式思考的方式來解決問題,擅長聚斂式的思考和分析,在充分瞭解學習過程所提供的素材、準備相當完善、複雜且困難的情況下,學習效果會較高。
  • 總體型(global):以抓住某些大的部分就用奇怪的方式將它們組合起來,但卻無法解釋他們是如何工作的。運用跳躍式的思考模式來解決問題,擅長的是擴散性的思考方式,擁有創造力較寬廣的視野。

R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman, "Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education," Engr. Education, 78(7), 674-681 (1988). The article that originally defined the Felder-Silverman model and identified teaching practices that should meet the needs of students with the full spectrum of styles. The paper is preceded by a 2002 preface that states and explains changes in the model that have been made since 1988.

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( ) 1.偏愛有明確對、錯答案的學習。
( ) 2.偏好整潔、有條理、有次序的學習及生活環境。
( ) 3.喜歡收集資料、歸納、歸類、製作表格等,可以實際應證的事物。
( ) 4.能夠遵循老師、長輩的指令,或遵循一直存在的規章、守則。
( ) 5.偏好詳盡的書面報告,不喜歡突發或臨時的口頭報告。
( ) 6.喜歡有明確的指示,告知如何去完成一項指定的作業,且在確切的期限內完成。
( ) 7.不喜歡要運用創意、想像力的課業。
( ) 8.抄寫的作業或筆記,非常整齊、乾淨。
( ) 9.會好好地規劃、安排做功課的時間,不會拖拖拉拉、臨時急就章。
( ) 10.讀書態度深受學校的獎勵系統,如獎狀、獎杯、名次,所激勵影響。
( ) 11.喜歡閱讀與教科書不相干的課外書籍。
( ) 12.當做一個科學研究或報告時,會多方收集相關資料,仔細研讀,整理出自己的思緒、看法。
( ) 13.需要充裕的時間來思考,徹底執行正在從事的計劃、課業。
( ) 14.具有強烈的好奇心,常會問一些「為什麼」的問題。
( ) 15.喜歡用多元的角度,來探索一個論點或主題。
( ) 16.無法忍受一再重複、學習已學過的知識。
( ) 17.喜愛有創意、啟發想像力的課程。
( ) 18.偏愛自己獨立思考,不喜歡團體討論或角色扮演的活動。
( ) 19.讀書、學習,主要在滿足自己的求知慾,不太受教育體系中的獎狀、獎杯、名次影響學習方向與態度。
( ) 20.不喜歡一大堆特定的規矩與準則。
( ) 21.不在乎學習環境中的雜亂無緒。
( ) 22.喜歡腦力激盪、團體討論,不喜歡做書面報告或抄寫筆記、作業。
( ) 23.喜歡嘗試用不一樣的方法來做一件事,不喜歡只有對或錯的標準答案,或是只有一樣正確的做事方法。
( ) 24.偏愛學習自己認為「必須」或是「必要」的知識。
( ) 25.無法遵循一大堆特定的規矩與準則。
( ) 26.喜歡在自己的體驗與操作中學習到知識。
( ) 27.通常無法把注意力只專注在一件事情上。
( ) 28.做事情、寫報告,往往無法好好地安排、規劃時間,因此,常常在最後截止期限前,才匆忙趕工。
( ) 29.喜歡能關心到個人情感、情緒與人性化的學習經驗。
( ) 30.做事情時,往往憑藉著一時的衝動、感覺,沒有多做深思。

A. 計算題號1~10中,你打了幾個勾。 總計:(  )
B. 計算題號11~20中,你又打了幾個勾。 總計:(  )
C. 計算題號21~30中,你共打了幾個勾。 總計:(  )

A. 是偏重左腦者的學習風格。
B. 是左、右腦均衡使用者的學習風格。
C. 是偏重右腦者的學習風格。


1. 有條理、有系統、有步驟可遵循。
2. 注重所有的細節。
3. 有時間進度表可遵循。
4. 運用精確、忠於事實的詮釋。
5. 清楚表明對他們的期許。
6. 建立起常規,還有做事的方法。

1. 充裕、詳盡且正確的資訊。
2. 在觀察與實際操作中學習,較有成效。
3. 運用邏輯、思考、推理。
4. 必須認同老師是這個領域的專家。
5. 活在充滿抽象、思考、創意的世界。
6. 詳盡、徹底地探索一個主題。

1. 運用洞察力與第六感來解決問題。
2. 偏好概約的時間表,不喜歡特定的截止期限。
3. 可以運用與試驗多種的解決方案。
4. 運用實際的生活經驗與動手操作,來做為學習的管道。
5. 寧願自己嘗試,也不願僅止於聽取他人的經驗為滿足。
6. 廣泛、約略的遵守原則。


《摘自 學習大革命─善用腦子讀好書》

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Source from:

Going through school to get an MBA can take a few years away from your life and work. These days you don’t always have time to take a few years and be a student. You’ve got bills to pay! This list of 100 business blogs can bring you up to speed in the briefcase world so you can take a detour around the MBA education route.

Small Business and Entrepreneur Blogs and Resources
1. Solo Entrepreneur - This site of testimonials and wisdom might be all the push you need to become a solo entrepreneur.
2. Small Biz Survival - If you’re a small town/rural business in these economic times, it can be tough to make it from day to day. With these marketing and financial, make your money woes a thing of the past.
3. The Portal of American Small Business - This site should be bookmarked by small business owners ASAP, as it offers news, reviews, and perspectives that can start saving you money today.
4. Entrepreneurs - This site helps your own business climb the Fortune 500, and helps you stay motivated while you’re clutching the ladder.
5. The Blog of Tim Ferriss - This blog blends practical entrepreneurial advice with the perspective necessary to help keep your head above the water.
6. Small Business Trends - This sight takes the accumulated tips and tricks from submitted small business trends and offers it as big advice for littler companies.
7. Small Business Brief - If you want small business news in bite-sized chunks, this is it. Quickly play catch-up with the latest online business advice, and read user reviews for just how helpful the advice really is.
8. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur - If you want bootstrapping advice, this is the right place. This fellow created a multi-million dollar tech industry (while sleeping in conference rooms to avoid hotel charges), and after selling that, went on to create a company that found itself in the Fortune 500.
9. Entrepreneur Daily Dose - This site is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs, offering advice on sustainability, loan eligibility, and consumer confidence.
10. Successful Entrepreneurial Blog - Another site of practical advice, this site offers advice on credit reform, social networking, and even how swine flu is not so bad for business.
11. Independent Street - This Wall Street Journal blog offers thoughts on small and big business alike, as well as how the government’s financial decisions will affect you.
12. Main Street: Small Business - This small business site offers tips on balancing career, family, and retirement plans.
13. Small Business Blog from Microsoft - Corporate titan Microsoft descends from the throne to offer great advice to small businesses.
14. Small Business CEO - Like the name says, this site offers advice for small business CEOs, such as how to boost online marketing, helpful podcasts, and the benefits of incentives versus larger salaries.
15. The Solopreneur’s Million-Dollar Mindset - This business coach offers in-depth updates on making your business vision a reality.
16. Start-up Toolkit -If you’ve been wanting a one-stop shop for everything you need to start up a business, look no further.
17. The Entrepreneurial Mind - This Belmont University site offers reviews of tech, thoughts on venture capital, and new age marketing.
18. Wil Schroter’s Bigger Blog - This site helps you start a company, keep it running, and adapt to the ever-changing future market.

Marketing Blogs and Solutions
19. The Marketing Spot - If you’re a small business that needs big marketing ideas, The Marketing Spot has got you covered.
20. Duct Tape Marketing - Ancient wisdom holds that duct tape is like The Force: it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together. This site offers the articles, interviews, and resources to hold your business together in the 21st century.
21. Dave Duarte’s Blog - This self-proclaimed “marketing geek” offers practical tips, such as utilizing a corporate social network and avoiding your own business biases.
22. Marketing and Strategy Innovation Blog - This site offers advice on how to bring new marketing and strategy innovations to your site, with a dash of social branding and motivational advice sprinkled in.
23. 5 Blogs Before Lunch - This site offers every aspect of marketing news, with updates that range from the informative to the downright entertaining.
24. Marketing Pilgrim - The focus of this site is on online business, as it offers the latest news on Facebook, Flickr, and AOL.
25. Perry Marshall’s Blog - This amusing site starts off by suggesting that Thoreau’s business advice was given in the haze of crack cocaine, and the biting humor continues from there. This site offers dozens of controversial tips on how to get ahead in the business world.
26. How to Change the World - Offering itself as “a practical blog for impractical people,” this site helps you master the art of salesmanship.
27. Church of the Customer Blog - This site offers business perspectives from the customer’s side, and offers tips for how to avoid heresy in the church of the customer.
28. Marketing Genius From Maple Creative - This site is all about marketing, from building a buzz to pushing a brand to crafting an awesome ad.
29. Be Excellent - If you’re business needs to experience a revolution, it starts here, with in-depth advice about strategy execution.
30. The Engaging Brand Blog - This is the site to bookmark for info about building your brand from the ground up.
31. Name Wire - Another branding-type site, this page focuses on the theories and practices behind product naming.
32. Biz Stone - The cofounder of Twitter offers unique perspectives on the worlds of business and social networking.
33. Smart Talk On Conversation - This site is all about how communication can help your business, from word of mouth marketing to interactive dialogue and social networks.

General Business Blogs
34. Dane Carlson’s Business Opportunities Weblog - This blog focuses on the tips, tricks, and tools you need to get your business running, and the mistakes to avoid so it can keep on going.
35. All Business - This blog offers its own business-friendly advice (such as how to make sure the tax man doesn’t come for you), as well as featuring expert advice from dozens of other businessmen and women.
36. Seth Godin’s Blog - This bitterly funny blog offers business advice framed in cold, hard reality.
37. The Franchise King Blog - This blog offers frank, down-to-earth advice from the franchise frontlines.
38. Business 360 - This CNN blog offers business news that’s intimately tied to real-world developments.
39. The Becker-Posner Blog - Here’s some new-school advice from some old-school businessmen, offering in-depth commentary on every aspect of our economy.
40. Working Life - This opinionated site is chock-full of views on the auto industry, American labor, and the global business world.
41. The Business of America is Business - This site focuses on in-depth analysis of the quirkier aspects of business, such as the leadership tips to be garnered from Ugly Betty and Ocean’s 11.
42. Business Pundit - This easy-to-read site offers info on software industries, finance, and outright weird jobs.
43. Blog Business World - This great resource for business people offers business book reviews, podcasts, and much more.
44. Influxinsights - This site specializes in unique views of business, offering you tips culled from the worlds of art, social networking, and luxury trends.
45. The Curious Capitalist - Offering thoughts on the modern market and economy, this Time Magazine blog brings you clean, concise business news.
46. Tom Peters’ Blog - This humorous site offers over 160 ways to succeed in the world of business and marketing.
47. Cali and Jody’s Blog - This site offers perspectives for CEOs, workers, and parents alike.

Human Resources and Ethics Blogs
48. HR Bartender - This humorous and relatable site offers wit and wisdom for the world of human resources.
49. Lauren Bloom’s Blog - This ethics-centric blog offers practical advice navigating business woes and coming out smelling like roses.
50. The Exceptional Workplace - If you’d like enthusiastic coworkers instead of drones living for the weekend, check out these awesome tips for making your workplace…well, exceptional.
51. Principled Profit - A site promoting “good business,” this page helps you with social networking, social media, and PR lessons.

MBA Survival Guides and Business Career Blogs

52. The Personal MBA - If you’re a business learner wanting to become a business master, this site will provide the training you need.
53. Boot Strap Me - If your business needs to pull itself up by the bootstraps, this site provides all the advice and resources you could ask for.
54. The Hire Sense - This site’s primary goal is helping you to survive in this economy, with tips on what sells in a recession, how to deal with customers, and how to parse job statistics.
55. First Jobs and Career Opportunities Blog - This site waxes philosophic on the job market, offering interview tips, promising jobs, and whether or not following your passion is always the best course in life.
56. Main Street: Career - If you need career advice—from who’s hiring, who’s firing, and how you can secure your future today.
57. MBA Depot - Offering resources for MBAs and managers alike, this site offers books, quotes, articles, and more to help you succeed in the world of business.

Economy Trends and News
58. Gulliver - This business site with a conservative focus examines the business industry on all levels, with a particular focus on Government’s role in that business.
59. Freakonomics - This NY Times offshoot offers business predictions, advice, and—of course—opinions.
60. Financial Times: Alphaville - Another site great for business folks on the go, these pint-sized updates on the entirety of the financial world can be read easily over breakfast.
61. The Bing Blog - This site’s goal is keeping the economic recession in perspective. It’s tough to freak out about a low-performing stock market when it’s next to the black plague.

Investing News and Financial Blogs
62. Steadfast Finances - This informative site offers everything from a historical look car industry woes to meta concepts such as “the fear trade.”
63. The Market Movers - This site offers its updates in condensed sections, allowing you to digest as much or as little of its business wisdom as you wish to.
64. Calculated Risk - Finance and economics advice to help you not only survive but thrive during the turbulence of this global economy.
65. Blogging Stocks - This stock-centric site isn’t afraid of offering its two cents into the world of current events.
66. Stress Free Tax Help - If you want to make more money and pay less taxes…join the club. Seriously, though, this site aims to help you do just that.

Resources for Business Women
67. Learned On Women - This feminist-friendly site offers women-centric advice for navigating the often-testosterone-layered world of business.
68. Sylvania Ann Hewlett’s Blog - This blog also offers global business tips, with a focus on women and minorities in the workplace.
69. Girl Power: Female CEOS - This site offers tips and tricks for smashing through the glass ceiling, offering thoughts on the best way for women to excel in the business world.
70. Women’s Leadership Exchange - This site offers events and resources in order to promote, build, and develop women’s leadership in the world of business.
71. WonderBranding - Another girl-power site, this focuses entirely on marketing to women.

Online Business Blogs and Tools
72. SEO Book - Offering wisdom for the ages through wisdom from the ages comes a site offering what to do (and more importantly, what not to do) with your business.
73. Practical Ecommerce - Designed for online merchants, this site will help you market, profit, and maybe have a little fun while you’re doing it.
74. SEOmozBlog - This site offers all of the SEO web resources you could ever need, and should be bookmarked ASAP.
75. The Internet Strategist - This 12-year veteran of internet marketing offers tips and tricks for online marketing and services.
76. Internet Business Coaching by Terry Dean - Those in the internet business world could learn a thing or two (or three or four) from this amazingly thorough site.
77. Net Promoter - This site of bite-sized updates offers ways of promoting yourself and your business over the internet.
78. Daily Blog - This blog offers a more personal touch, with the tips, tricks, and tweets that have helped the blogger be successful in business.

Management Resources and Information

79. Incentive Intelligence - This site has a singular focus: to provide you all of the theories, testimonies, and tricks for using incentives as a motivation for workers.
80. The Practice of Leadership - This site has everything you need to build communication skills, navigate backfiring goals, and communicate your vision to your workers.
81. Management IQ - This site is all about the managers, offering ways of reducing stress, locking down job security, and becoming the future CEO.
82. Journyx Project Management Blog - This IT-centric site offers project management tips, ways of dealing with difficult fellow workers, and beliefs that can doom IT leaders.
83. - If you’re a business manager or leader, you can’t miss this site, with its wealth of business theories, easy tips, and lists for maximizing your own communications with workers.
84. - Through contests, tips and tricks, and branding secrets, this site gives you the drive to be a better leader.
85. Management Issues - If you’re a manager, you’re the heart of your office. This site offers tips and tricks for keeping the body and the heart alive into the 21st century economy.
86. The Outsourcing Weblog - Like the name says, this site offers everything you need to know about outsourcing…from finding good outsource workers gentle ways to leave your outsourcers.
87. CEO Blog - This site focuses on time management and directness, and how each one helps your business grow.
88. Leading Blog - This site’s all about business leadership, offering books, habits, and creative games to lead your team to success.
89. Management Craft - If your business management technique needs state of the art theories and practices, you’ve come to the right place.
90. Leading Answers - This picture-heavy site offers views on business leadership that range from humorous to practical to downright bizarre.
91. Ask the Czar - This leadership-centric site offers ways of using love, inspiration, and excitement to motivate your workforce.
92. Web Worker Daily - Aiming to “reboot the workforce,” this site offers software and hardware to make web working easier.

Harvard Business Heavy Hitters
93. Daisy Wademan Dowling’s Blog - This blogger specializes in career coaching advice, including leadership and planning.
94. Anthony Tjan’s Blog - If you need help building a business—particularly an online business—this site’s got everything you could ask for.
95. Gill Corkindale’s Blog - This Harvard Publishing blog offers unique insight to the world of global management and leadership.
96. Peter Bregman’s Blog - This blog offers global management advice for CEOS and their leadership teams.
97. Management Essentials - These articles were collected from the Harvard Management Update, and offer down-to-earth advice for managers and execs.
98. John Baldoni - This blog should be your go-to for advice regarding leadership consultation and coaching.
99. Babak Nivi’s Blog - If you need advice on anything venture capital, this blog will have everything you need.
100. John Quelch’s Blog - This world-traveling blogger offers world-class advice on global marketing, branding, and marketing communications.

After bookmarking all of these business blogs and sites, kiss all those MBA school applications good bye and start climbing workplace ladders.

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Coach Zoe 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Life Coach, Executive Coach, Business Coach, Career Coach,

隨想Coach 的類型, 可能可看見的型態:
Creation Coach, Health Coach, Music Coach, Therapy Coach, 
Finance Coach, Marriage Coach, Fashion Coach, Child Coach, 
Language Coach, Teenage Coach, .........

不過無論選擇哪一種方式, 總是要"Focus"!

我喜歡課程提到的 "Present"! 不論是禮物還是把握當下!
當我們瞭解自己的禮物, 且能給的時候, 就是喜樂的開始!

我要感謝, 這一段路將有您同行!

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1. 我們創造彼此讚許的空間

2. 我們提升彼此生活的質量

3. 我們享受彼此分享的喜樂

4. 我們給予彼此成長的動能

5. 我們鼓勵彼此Win-Win-Win 的信心

6. 我們了解自己的有限; 但透過Coaching引導對方達到自己設定的目標

7. 我們理解"聆聽"與"支持"帶來的能量

8. We can OPEN MIND passionately.



1. 教練與顧問: 永亮&衛斯理的分享很棒 ~

    顧問: 對客戶來說 ~ 顧問擁有他所沒有的~

    教練: 相信客戶自己擁有他所需要的答案; 對我們尚無法了解的專業, 我們引導部屬/同事達成目標

2. 教練與導師 (Mentor)

    導師: 在職場中, 是比自己年長、資深或某領域專業同儕或長官, 他們提供指導(知識或智慧)

            來提升客戶滿意度、加快其成長的脚步、或避免犯錯! 導師給予支持, 幫助他融入新的環境!

            有些公司會有Mentor Program 在Mentee 達成一定的表現給予奬勵!

    教練: 與客戶是夥伴關係, 幫助客戶激發潛能並按照內心真實想法前進!


我想探索領導與教練的差異, 更期待學習過程更多的認識自己及幫助身邊的夥伴走出漩渦、泥沼!

我必須說: 有人與我站在一起的感覺, 真好! ~~~~待續 ~~~~~

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二天的職場領導課程, 到底學到了什麼?


有什麼可以立即執行? 如何執行呢? 

有什麼需要按步就班, 逐項進行的呢?

為什麼要做呢? 為什麼? 根據什麼邏輯? 有什麼意義呢?

寫下這些問題, 希望有助於自己的反思與學習!


講師群: 台大郭瑞祥教授、基督書院紀惟明董事長、德商雅基利曾國生總經理、





1. Lead by Example

2. Establish the Plan

3. Attract Talent People

4. Develop Relationship

4. Expect the Best

5. Review Regularly

6. Systemize Learning

7. Hold the Focus

8. Improve Continuously

9. Pursue Excellence


1. Integrity: 誠信

2. Nurturing: 栽培

3. Faineess: 公平

4. Listening: 傾聽 ==> 溝通

5. Understanding: 瞭解

6. Encouraging: 激勵

7. Navigating: 引導 ==> 願景

8. Connecting: 連結

9. Empower: 授權 ==> 團隊


1. 跟隨主、順服主

2. 有異象、熱情、使命 (委身)

3. 明白領導力的層次 (4R)

3.1 Reproduction

3.2 Result

3.3 Relationship

3.4 Responsibility (Position)

4. 建造團隊

4.1 3C: Competence, Communication, Cooperation

4.2 瞭解同仁: 不同性格、恩賜、行為模式 (DISC)

      PS: 完美主義: 事導向; 追求卓越: 人導向

4.3 建立合一(同心合意) 關係之團隊

4.3.1 什麼是合一: 不是統一、大家都一樣; 而是接納不同, 接納每個人的差異; 不用自己的眼光, 以主的眼光;

                          以欣賞的態度, 建立關係; Assume 將帶來誤會誤解與成見與偏見

                          欣賞神給他的那一份. Do the right thing at the right time right!

4.3.2 合一帶來祝福

4.3.3 合一的攔阻 ==>是驕傲! 覺得自己比別人強! 我的看法比較對, 堅持己見!

4.3.4 團隊合一的殺手 (Deceive 瞭蔽)/ Divide (分化)/ Destroy (毀滅)

         Avoid Problem is not problem solving.

    PS: 合一不是沒有意見; 合一是選擇是優先次序

          順從是 Keep Quiet!; 而順服不是沒有意見, 經由討論溝通, 

          而將最後決定權交給有權柄的人負最後的責任! 順服是在愛中表達意見! 讓我們開一場衝突建設性的會議!

          有權柄的人: 在家是父; 出嫁從夫; 工作從主!

          自我與老我關心對錯; 而合一我們關心"關係"!

5. 信靠神的恩典及恩膏

    恩賜 ==> 是上天給的禮物; 恩膏 ==> 是你沒有, 但神差你做, 把你沒有的加給你, 讓你得到這樣的能力!

    居首不居尾、居上不居下; 謙卑不等於自卑; 


========== 插撥 ==========

紅紅青春敲阿敲 ~ 東方快車 ~

誰能知道明天是不是危險 誰能接到一份后天的報紙 
書本上發生的事 都可能在眼前實現 
是不是和別人一樣的平凡 如果我們的靈魂告別身體 
打開那天堂大門 有沒有什么人在等 
把整個灰色城市改裝 當作是我們的安全網 你是否會相信  明天的預言 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
愛要愛得簡單 過要過得精彩 我的心從來沒有休止點 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
夢要夢得遙遠 沖要沖過考驗 

是不是和別人一樣的平凡 如果我們的靈魂告別身體 
打開那天堂大門 有沒有什么人在等 
把整個灰色城市改裝 當作是我們的安全網 你是否會相信  明天的預言 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
愛要愛得簡單 過要過得精彩 
我的心從來沒有休止點 紅紅青春敲呀敲 
自己的歌唱呀唱 夢要夢得遙遠 
沖要沖過考驗 年輕不能平凡 

把整個灰色城市改裝 當作是我們的安全網 你是否會相信  明天的預言 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
愛要愛得簡單 過要過得精彩 
我的心從來沒有休止點 紅紅青春敲呀敲 
自己的歌唱呀唱 夢要夢得遙遠 
沖要沖過考驗 年輕不能平凡 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
愛要愛得簡單 過要過得精彩 我的心從來沒有休止點 
紅紅青春敲呀敲 自己的歌唱呀唱 
夢要夢得遙遠 沖要沖過考驗 


我有一顆轉動不停的心 ~ ~

汽笛響起的時後 一聲聲摧促我的心
彷彿是在告訴我 不要留戀過去
最後一次道別離 再看看熟悉的風講
遠方呼喚的聲音 愈來愈清晰

特快車就要開動 開往那一個未知的貪地
特快車就要開動 每一站都會是新的目的

跟隨著未來 踏遍高山和平地
跟隨著未來 探索世界的神祕



I. 領導者的任務:

1 建立互信: 三部曲

1.1 分享資訊

1.2 言行一致

1.3 一對一的關係

2. 營造環境與社群

2.1 能力受肯定, 不爭功委過

2.2 新的學習機會

2.3 朋友與同事間彼此認同

3. 轉化價值觀 (TOPICS)

3.1 Team Player

3.2 Open Communication

3.3 Passion

3.4 Integrity

3.5 Creativity

3.6 Solution Driver

II. 領導者的人格特質: 誠信、謙虛、責任感、成熟度









In Learning


PS. 不懂快樂的人 = 一隻會上班的豬


1. 建立關係

2. 瞭解自己、聖靈、做自己擅長的事

3. 跟著成功與榜樣的人走, 建立團隊與家庭祭壇

4. 看見異象、傳遞異象、創造未來

5. 熱情和等候保守自己常在神的愛中














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2009/4/19 第一次正式在主日晚崇拜中敬拜讚美神!


1. 一生一世

2. 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂

3. 屬天的喜樂

4. 一生一世 (主打歌)

5. 一生愛祢

6. 這世代 (奉獻)

7. 我的一生在你手中 (回應歌)



1. 一生一世


詞︰詩27:1,4,8   編 曲︰葉邵家菁
就是一生一世 住在耶和華的殿中
就是一生一世 住在耶和華的殿中


2. 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂耶和華賜下歡欣快樂



3. 屬天的喜樂

在我生活中 常與我同在
我感受你 大能力量
平靜我心中 極大的風浪

4. 一生一世 (主打歌)

5. 一生愛祢

親愛的寶貴耶穌 祢愛何等的甘甜
我的心深深被祢吸引 愛祢是我的喜樂
一生愛祢 一生敬拜祢 ,一生愛祢 一生榮耀祢 
一生奉獻 一生不回頭 ,一生愛祢 跟隨祢 

6. 這世代 (奉獻)











7. 我的一生在你手中 (回應歌)!A45132F630787A2!212.entry


在主面前 細細數算神的恩典
我才明瞭 你的奇妙帶領
我等候  願能摸著你的心意
未來的路 願走在你旨意中
獻上我最愛 在祭壇前不帶走
帶領我前往 你所應許之地
*我的一生 在你手中
驚濤駭浪 主與我同在
我的一生 在你手中
勇敢前往 向標竿直奔
我的一生 在你手中
甘心順服 得最終獎賞
我的一生 在你手中
我深知道 我的一生在你手中





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Oh! My God! 我的朋友已在該飯店住了3天,而且每次回台灣都住這一家飯店!回房後,我們決定投訴,最後當然這新台幣390元免收且餐廳經理親自將燉湯送至房間並道歉!可是,還是少做一件事,居然沒有送上!怎麼喝湯啊



如果我是這一家飯店的負責人,我會每月看被Waive 的費用到底是哪些?是什麼原因?是經常性的嗎?是哪個單位?哪位同仁?哪位主管?有改善嗎?是不是可以再電洽該客戶詢問他們是不是滿意我們後來的行動方案。而且重新思考每一個Contact Points 是不是都已【想在客戶前】! 




作者: 王文足 (Zoe W.T. Wang)





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金融風暴下, 客戶可能正在休無薪假, 也可能剛接到不續聘通知, 生活遇上前所未有的難關! 緃然胡適曾說:「保險是今日為明日做準備,幼時為老時做準備;父母為兒女做準備;生時為死時做準備」。  生吃”都不够了, 要怎麼”曬乾”呢?! (台語) 身為安泰人壽客服中心的一份子, 究竟可以多做什麼? 可以超越客戶期待!


2009 1月起, 安泰客服中心在温春馨副總經理領導下, 為提升客戶服務的品質, 透過新設定的KPI 激勵客服夥伴們, 強化為客戶 ~ Do-More ~ 的行動力! 如同以下的例子: 做好貼心、同理心, 幫客戶多想一點, 問對的問題, 為客戶顧到面子與裡子.




小姐: 您好, 我要改成信用卡扣款!

陳專員: 好的, 小姐, 馬上為您服務! ……身份確認後………..

        張小姐, 您目前是經由XX 銀行轉帳扣款享有 1% 的折扣!


小姐: 因為最近工作不穩定? 想要改為信用卡扣款延後一個月支付保險費!

陳專員: 是的, 小姐我了解. 辛苦了! 建議您可以利用A銀行或B銀行的信用

       卡也可以享1%折扣, 請問您有A銀行或B銀行的信用卡嗎?


1.  客戶滿意度 (Customer Satisfaction): 有滿意的客戶才有品牌忠誠度與長久的夥伴關係, 安泰客服中心2008年客戶滿意度達成公司年度目標90%超越保險同業; 2009年我們不以90%為滿足, 而以超越公司全體與客戶有接觸點的單位平均幅度為目標.

2.  一次解決率 (First Contact Resolution): 每一次客戶打電話到客服中心, 客服專員以解決客戶問題為終極任務. 目前每個月分析客戶是否會在3天內再次來電及了解為什麼會再次來電的原因, 並啟動專案做流程改善及強化在職教育!

3.  服務指標 (Service Level): 以往客服中心以全日進線量來看每20秒接聽率可以達到80%為指標! 2009年我們採每半小時為一區間來看一天48個區間中, 20秒接聽率可以達到80%的比率! 希望藉此將人力做最好的調度, 來滿足顛峰時刻大多數客戶的需求, 也平衡非電話量高峰時, 過多的人力! 當然也需考慮關鍵少數客戶的影響力!


為達成以上三項指標, 客服中心訓練科運用去年(2008)剛引進的品質管理檢測系統(Quality Management System) 設計新的評分表, 提升同仁的技能、態度與專業!

1.  品質技能 (Quality Skill): 在技能上, 要求同仁聆聽、掌握問題、分析情境、並以客戶的語言來解說.

2.  品質態度 (Quality Attitude): 在態度上, 要求活力、熱忱、禮貌、同理心、且擔任公司、業務同仁溝通橋樑.

3.  品質內容 (Quality Content): 在內容上即同仁在專業上回應客戶的正確性與完整性.

“Do-More” 在安泰客服中心不是口號, 是一種態度, 一種學習, 一種發自內心願意為客戶 “Do-More” 的行動展現! 多問對的問題, 幫助客戶類同 一次購足(One Stop Shopping!)” 的服務理念. 讓每一通諮詢電話都產生價值, 而且從微笑開始, 使每一個關鍵時刻都發揮服務同仁們的影響力, 超越客戶期待.

作者: 王文足 (Zoe W.T. Wang)







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讀 韓第 的 "你拿什麼定義自己?" 讓我想要要認識他的夫人Elizabeth Handy (Portrait Photographer)搜尋&meta=&aq=f&oq=

從 Google 中找到好多資料, 待往後再好好研究!

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十句話 .....( 很有意義 )   
沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人 
付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底 
保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞 
通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人 
有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重 
冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具 
如果我們之間有 1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步 
我就會朝你的方向走其餘的 999 步 
為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人 
為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友 
為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人 
就算是 believe 中間也藏了一個 lie 
真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題 
而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬 
朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人


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1. 像祈禱一般,將雙手交握起來...就是這個模門!!!看看你的雙手!!!



2. 將你的雙手交叉環在胸前(請揣摩一下"我生氣了喔=)的感覺,就是這個模門!!!




從1 + 2來看你的結果 * (要依照1→2順序看唷~)




能直覺了解對方的心情, 並自然和善對應的右左人。 

雖然無法主動積極的向前, 但卻會後退一步來支持他人, 

生性穩重且貼心, 給人一股〔凡事都會好好照顧*〕的安心感。







生性勇往直前, 一旦認定〔就是這個!〕時就會馬上採取行動! 




基本上,不聽他人的話,會跳著聽談話的內容, 也很容易就以主觀意識說話。





雖頗有女人(男人)味, 但卻是在這四種類型中最具有男子氣概! 

凡事都能條理分明的理論性思考, 會憑著一篇大道理迅速打敗他, 


自尊心極高, 正義感也比他人多上一倍。 


只不過, 因生性認真又是完美主義者, 常會讓初次見面的人留下 








因生性冷靜, 頗具男子氣概且責任感強烈, 



只不過, 有時也會忍不住太愛照顧他人。

相當在意世人如何看待自己, 總是保持警覺心。

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1. 耶和華以勒(創廿二章14節)耶和華必預備

2. 耶和華尼西(出十七章15節)耶和華是我的旌旗

3. 耶和華彌加底西肯(出卅一章13節)耶和華是叫你們成聖的

4. 耶和華拉法(出十五章26節)耶和華是醫治你的

5. 耶和華沙龍(士六章24節)耶和華賜平安

6. 耶和華齊根努(耶廿三章6節)耶和華是我們的義

7. 耶和華沙瑪(結四十八章35節)耶和華的所在

8. 耶和華何西努(詩九十五篇6節)耶和華是那造我們的

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1. Be Cool! Mr Obama focused on his goal and ignored distractions. He corrected problems without blaming people. He could adjust to the needs of the moment, play hardball only when necessary and lead without losing his humility.

2. Be Social! ......................

3. Be the Change!


Manage like Obama

Feb 10th 2009

What can chief executives learn from the new commander-in-chief?

BARACK OBAMA’S proposed $500,000 salary cap for executives is unlikely to win the president many friends in America’s C-suites—even though the cap would apply only to firms rescued by the government and, on closer inspection, the details suggest more bark than bite. But this is no time to ignore winning ideas, and as one of the few big winners of the past 12 months, Mr Obama has plenty.

Some of them might even appeal to those very same executives whose pay he wants to cut, say Barry Libert and Rick Faulk, authors of “Barack, Inc: Winning Business Lessons of the Obama Campaign”. Over the past couple of decades politicians have been urged to learn from business; now, the authors say, the tide has turned. They ask: “What if it turns out that business has more to learn from politics than the other way around? What if Mr Obama’s extraordinary campaign was a feat of managing ideas, people and technology on a scale so massive and demanding that historians rank it as a sort of Manhattan Project of presidential politics?”

AP Friend or foe of the CEO?

The authors draw three main lessons from Mr Obama’s leadership of his campaign. First, “Be cool”. This turns out to be about temperament rather than fashion sense. Mr Obama focused on his goal and ignored distractions. He corrected problems without blaming people. He could adjust to the needs of the moment, play hardball only when necessary and lead without losing his humility. He has retained this quality even after his campaign, admitting he “screwed up” after two of his cabinet nominees had to withdraw over non-payment of taxes.

Second, “Be social”. This is a particular favourite of the authors, who are respectively chairman and chief executive of Mzinga, a social-software company. It is widely agreed that unleashing social technologies—blogs, discussion boards, viral videos, texting and mobile-phone networks—gave the Obama campaign a crucial edge in both the primary and the general elections.

Among other things, it allowed the campaign to motivate an army of volunteers, and rapidly rebut criticism. The authors reckon that “companies do themselves an extreme disservice if they forgo the benefits of all these social technologies—for instance, more customers, lower costs, additional leads, higher efficiency, and greater profits.” This idea is already catching on, as The Economist reported in a recent article about Virgance, a San Francisco start-up that wants to make a profit through political activism.

Third, “Be the change”. Just as Mr Obama’s campaign relied on promising radical change, if business leaders—especially in today’s tough economy—“have not yet answered or even recognized the need for drastic action, they need to make way for others.” This is hard to quibble with, though some readers may find it a bit of a stretch for the authors to contrast Mr Obama’s repudiation of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright with the “plethora of fugitives from reality, the leaders of such troubled organisations as AIG, Citigroup, ImClone, Lehman Brothers, Tyco and United Way”.

Messrs Libert and Faulk are wise to rush their book into print now, before the difficulties of office take the shine off Mr Obama’s campaigning brilliance. Eight years ago, even the New York Times Magazine was willing to find positive management lessons in a new White House incumbent. An article on “The Bush Years: C.E.O., USA” lauded the former president for saying that “good management—like his selection of Dick Cheney as his running mate—makes good politics. As Bush has introduced his proposed cabinet, he has given the nation a rolling seminar on management, sounding at times as though he were reading from a primer for aspiring child executives.”

The article quotes the then-new president dispensing management tips that surely even Mr Obama would agree with. “A good executive is one that understands how to recruit people and how to delegate,” for instance. “How to align authority and responsibility, how to hold people accountable for results and how to build a team of people. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. This is a team of people who’ll be dedicated to doing what is right for America.” As the author of the article comments, “Who but the most unpatriotic shareholder could argue with that?”

Within a few years, however, Mr Bush had inspired several management books all about what not to do. These include “Would You Choose George W. Bush As Your CEO?”, which “shows how the same traits that have led companies like Enron, Worldcom, Global Crossings, Adelphia and others to defraud shareholders and stumble, could profoundly affect our nation’s security and prosperity”. Fingers crossed that we won’t soon be reading “Screw Up Your Business the Obama Way”.

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by 魏連嶽



(1)承認自己在聖潔上帝的面前是一位罪人,祈求上帝能夠赦免我們過去因為不認識上帝所犯下的所有得罪上帝的事 (例如:遠離上帝、未將上帝當成獨一真神來敬拜祂、說謊、貪心、自私等等)

(2) 表明我們願意成為一位基督徒,並且願意相信:耶穌已經在十字架上為我們的罪而受難犧牲,使我們的罪能夠透過相信耶穌而被上帝所赦免,也相信上帝的大能已經使耶穌從死裡復活。

(3) 表明願意邀請耶穌進入我們的生命,使祂成為我們生命的救主 (拯救生命的神),使我們能夠因為相信耶穌而被上帝認定是一位無罪的「義人」,並且能成為上帝的兒女、蒙受上帝的祝福、得到永恆的生命。

(4) 表明我們的「決志禱告」是奉靠主耶穌的名字所祈求。(因為耶教導我們:人必須要奉靠祂的名(基督徒尊稱為:耶穌的聖名)向上帝禱告,上帝就會垂聽這樣的禱告。 此外,禱告完之後,一般都會說「阿們 」,來表達自己剛才在禱告中所說的話是出自於真心誠意的。(阿們(a,mhn/ Amen)的原文意思是「以誠摯的心」或「誠心所願」。

幾乎所有剛接觸基督教信仰不久的人,當他們決定要信耶穌,而願意做這樣的「決志禱告」時,都是跟著某一位基督徒口中所說出的「決志禱告詞」、或是跟著某基督教書籍小冊或網頁上的「決志禱告詞」,然後帶著誠摯的心、將決志禱告詞的內容唸出 (也就是將決志禱告詞覆頌一次),這樣即可完成「決志禱告」。(禱告就是對無所不在的上帝說話,表達出我們內心的真誠想法。因此不論我們是在哪裡禱告,上帝都能聽見。此外,雖然表面上我們是跟著他人、書籍、或網頁上的禱告詞覆頌一次,但只要是真心誠意的,這樣在上帝面前,就是非常好的禱告。)  




(相關訊息請參考聖經《約翰福音》1:12; 3:16; 5:24; 14:6,13-14、《羅馬書》3:21-5:21;10:9-10、《加拉太書》3:26、《以弗所書》1:3-14、《彼得前書》2:9-10、《啟示錄》3:20;以及「基督教信仰要義」的解說)

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rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Customer relationship management (CRM) consists of the processes a company uses to track and organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers. CRM software is used to support these processes; the software system can be accessed, and information about customers and customer interactions can be entered, stored and accessed by employees in different company departments. Typical CRM goals are to improve services provided to customers, and to use customer contact information for targeted marketing.

While the term CRM generally refers to a software-based approach to handling customer relationships, most CRM software vendors stress that a successful CRM effort requires a holistic approach.[1] CRM initiatives often fail because implementation was limited to software installation, without providing the context, support and understanding for employees to learn, and take full advantage of the information systems.[2]




From the outside, customers interacting with a company perceive the business as a single entity, despite often interacting with a number of employees in different roles and departments. CRM is a combination of policies, processes, and strategies implemented by an organization to unify its customer interactions and provide a means to track customer information. It involves the use of technology to enable organizations to continue attracting new and profitable customers, while forming ever tighter bonds with existing ones.

CRM includes many aspects which relate directly to one another:

  • Front office operations — Direct interaction with customers, e.g. face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mail, online services etc.
  • Back office operations — Operations that ultimately affect the activities of the front office (e.g., billingmaintenance, planning, marketing,advertisingfinancemanufacturing, etc.)
  • Business relationships — Interaction with other companies and partners, such as suppliers/vendors and retail outlets/distributors, industry networks (lobbying groups, trade associations). This external network supports front and back office activities.
  • Analysis — Key CRM data can be analyzed in order to plan target-marketing campaigns, conceive business strategies, and judge the success of CRM activities (e.g., market share, number and types of customers, revenueprofitability).

[edit]Types/Variations of CRM

There are several different approaches to CRM, with different software packages focusing on different aspects. In general, Customer Service,Campaign Management and Sales Force Automation form the core of the system (with SFA being the most popular[citation needed]).

[edit]Operational CRM

Operational CRM provides support to "front office" business processes, e.g. to salesmarketing and service staff. Interactions with customers are generally stored in customers' contact histories, and staff can retrieve customer information as necessary.

The contact history provides staff members with immediate access to important information on the customer (products owned, prior support calls etc.), eliminating the need to individually obtain this information directly from the customer.

Operational CRM processes customer data for a variety of purposes:

[edit]Sales Force Automation (SFA)

Sales Force Automation automates sales force-related activities such as:

[edit]Analytical CRM

Analytical CRM analyzes customer data for a variety of purposes:

Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data mining.

[edit]Sales Intelligence CRM

Sales Intelligence CRM is similar to Analytical CRM, but is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include alerts sent to sales staff regarding:

  • Cross-selling/Up-selling/Switch-selling opportunities
  • Customer drift
  • Sales performance
  • Customer trends
  • Customer margins

[edit]Campaign Management

Campaign management combines elements of Operational and Analytical CRM. Campaign management functions include:

  • Target groups formed from the client base according to selected criteria
  • Sending campaign-related material (e.g. on special offers) to selected recipients using various channels (e.g. e-mail, telephone,sms, post)
  • Tracking, storing, and analyzing campaign statistics, including tracking responses and analyzing trends

[edit]Collaborative CRM

Collaborative CRM covers aspects of a company's dealings with customers that are handled by various departments within a company, such as sales, technical support and marketing. Staff members from different departments can share information collected when interacting with customers. For example, feedback received by customer support agents can provide other staff members with information on the services and features requested by customers. Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use information collected by all departments to improve the quality of services provided by the company.[3]

[edit]Consumer Relationship CRM

Consumer Relationship System (CRS) covers aspects of a company's dealing with consumers and customers who are handled by the Consumer Affairs and Customer Relations contact centers within a company.[1] Trained contact center representatives handle in-bound contacts from anonymous consumers and customers, replying to inquiries and fulfilling responses. Representatives capture consumer contact information, issues, and verbatim feedback which is stored in the CRM and made available to company stakeholders such as marketing, product management and development, legal, public relations, etc., for input to product and service improvements. The CRS workflow processing and reporting enable issuing of early warning alerts to product problems in the marketplace (e.g., item recalls) and capture of current consumer sentiment ('voice of the customer').[2]

[edit]Geographic CRM

Geographic CRM (GCRM) combines geographic information system and traditional CRM. Geographic data can be analyzed to provide a snapshot of potential customers in a region or to plan routes for customer visits.


Several CRM software packages are available, and they vary in their approach to CRM. However, as mentioned above, CRM is not just a technology but rather a comprehensive, customer-centric approach to an organization's philosophy of dealing with its customers. This includes policies and processes, front-of-house customer service, employee training, marketing, systems and information management. Hence, it is important that any CRM implementation considerations stretch beyond technology toward the broader organizational requirements.

The objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a company’s specific situation and its customers' needs and expectations. Information gained through CRM initiatives can support the development of marketing strategy by developing the organization's knowledge in areas such as identifying customer segments, improving customer retention, improving product offerings (by better understanding customer needs), and by identifying the organization's most profitable customers.[4]

CRM strategies can vary in size, complexity, and scope. Some companies consider a CRM strategy only to focus on the management of a team of salespeople. However, other CRM strategies can cover customer interaction across the entire organization. Many commercial CRM software packages provide features that serve the sales, marketing, event management, project management, and finance industries.

[edit]Implementation Issues

Many CRM project "failures" are also related to data quality and availability. Data cleaning is a major issue. If a company's CRM strategy is to track life-cycle revenues, costs, margins, and interactions between individual customers, this must be reflected in all business processes. Data must be extracted from multiple sources (e.g., departmental/divisional databases such as sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, finance, service etc.), which requires an integrated, comprehensive system in place with well-defined structures and high data quality. Data from other systems can be transferred to CRM systems using appropriate interfaces.

Because of the company-wide size and scope of many CRM implementations, significant pre-planning is essential for smooth roll-out. This pre-planning involves a technical evaluation of the data available and the technology employed in existing systems. This evaluation is critical to determine the level of effort needed to integrate this data.

Equally critical is the human aspect of the implementation. A successful implementation requires an understanding of the expectations and needs of the stakeholders involved. An executive sponsor should also be obtained to provide high-level management representation of the CRM project.

An effective tool for identifying technical and human factors before beginning a CRM project is a pre-implementation checklist.[5] A checklist can help ensure any potential problems are identified early in the process.

[edit]Privacy and data security

One of the primary functions of CRM software is to collect information about customers. When gathering data as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider the desire for customer privacy and data security, as well as the legislative and cultural norms. Some customers prefer assurances that their data will not be shared with third parties without their prior consent and that safeguards are in place to prevent illegal access by third parties.

[edit]Market structure

The following table lists the top CRM software vendors in 2006-2007 (figures in millions of US dollars) published in a Gartner study.[6]

Vendor2007 Revenue2007 Share (%)2006 Revenue2006 Share (%)'06-'07 Growth (%)
SAP 2,050.8 25.3 1,681.7 26.6 22.0
Oracle 1,319.8 15.3 1,016.8 15.5 29.8 676.5 8.3 451.7 6.9 49.8
Amdocs 421.0 5.2 365.9 5.6 15.1
Microsoft 332.1 4.1 176.1 2.7 88.6
Others 3,289.1 40.6 2,881.6 43.7 14.1
Total 8,089.3 100 6,573.8 100 23.1

The following table lists the top software vendors for CRM projects completed in 2006 using external consultants and system integrators, according to a 2007 Gartner study.[7]

VendorPercentage of implementations
Siebel (Oracle) 41%
SAP 8%
Epiphany (Infor) 3%
Oracle 3%
PeopleSoft (Oracle) 2% 2%
Amdocs 1%
Chordiant 1%
Microsoft 1%
SAS 1%
Others 15%
None 22%

A 2007 Datamonitor report [8] lists Oracle (including Siebel) and SAP as the top CRM vendors, with Chordiant, Infor, and as significant, smaller vendors.

[edit]Free and Open Source CRM Software

As the enterprise CRM market grows, many companies and small groups of developers focus on creating CRM software that are distributed freely on the Internet or offered at a fraction of the price of classic enterprise CRM software. Many of these packages focus on providing the software for free, but offer the customer an option of paid-for support plans. Free CRM software typically offers similar features as the popular enterprise software packages. The following lists some of the more popular Free and Open Source CRM software available.

[edit]See also


  1. ^ Malthouse, Edward C; Bobby J Calder (2005). "Relationship Branding and CRM". in Alice Tybout and Tim Calkins. Kellogg on Branding. Wiley. pp. 150-168.
  2. ^ Rigby, Darrell K.; Frederick F. Reichheld, Phil Schefter (2002). "Avoid the four perils of CRM". Harvard Business Review 80 (2): 101–109. doi:10.1225/8946.
  3. ^ Edwards, John (2007-11-29). "Get It Together with Collaborative CRM"insideCRM. Tippit. Retrieved on 2008-02-01.
  4. ^ Bligh, Philip; Douglas Turk (2004). CRM unplugged – releasing CRM's strategic value. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-48304-4.
  5. ^ Dyche, 2002, Managing Your CRM Project
  6. ^ Gartner, Inc (2008-09-12). Gartner Says Worldwide Customer Relationship Management Market Grew 23 Percent in 2007Press release. Retrieved on 2008-08-15.
  7. ^ Gartner, Inc. (22 June 2007) Commonly Deployed CRM Application Vendors in 2006
  8. ^ Datamonitor (22 August 2007). Datamonitor suggests Oracle, SAP likely to remain atop CRM market


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